Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 11/12ish...who really knows?

I must face it, I'm still not fabulously round yet, despite the fact that Tobi swears the we can now feel my uterus.  He placed his hand on that place right below the belly button, that one of my friends long ago, called, "the baby pooch", and announced, "See, feel that? That's your UTERUS." 

Wow. I am speechless. I'm pretty sure that's never happened before. Someone insisting they can feel your baby maker just before dinner. 

So the jury is out. I'm pretty sure I'm slowly getting thicker, like a gravy when you're heating it over low heat.  Tobi is pretty sure we should have a baby TOMORROW.  Going to the amusement park yesterday did nothing to alleviate his "Baby NOW!" excitement.  We went on all the roller coasters, including the sixth best roller coaster in Europe in 2009, and I laughed the whole way.  If Bump likes these on the outside, we now have a record of why this may be.  On top of the roller coasters, there were throngs of happy Danish kids racing around absolutely blissed out of their blonde little heads. 

It was a circle that consisted of me getting giddy over the rides, Tobi staring at the kids and then staring at my stomach, me wanting huge ice creams and Tobi staring at my stomach. 

I still can't tell for certain that anything is actually growing inside me, but the pregnancy calculators swear I'm somewhere between week 11 and 12.  I'll just be hanging tight with my naps and desire for lemon cake until something noteworthy happens. 

In the meantime, Bump and I have conquered a stomach flu that turned my insides to liquid AND managed to mow the lawn and learn some more Danish. Go us.