Sunday, August 19, 2012

You got preggers cause you sexy, yo.

I'm very glad that womankind is reclaiming the sexy in being pregnant.  It's funny how mothers and virgins got lumped into the same category for years during the Victorian era and much much earlier.  Don't believe me? Check out the centuries old duality women have had to choose from- Virgin or Harlot.

Not this mamma though.  I'd say it stands to fairly good reason that in this sexually permissive, birth control laden culture, it's far more challenging to get with child than it is to stay without child.  Of course, people have their whoops moments, but I would hedge to suggest that they whoops'd it up because they weren't thinking clearly.  Why?  Who knows, but the emotions were probably running the show.  Otherwise, you've got two people who look at each other and think, "Dang. You are divinely sexually attractive.  Let's get super creative together. Yes, let's make something that lasts a lifetime. Take your clothes off you provocative beast."   

Afterall, how do you GET pregnant in the first place.  Comes in the same place it gets out.  This is important in the continuing discussion of childbirth and how couples are choosing to bring their babies into the world.

For the last century plus, childbirth has been treated as an illness in 'civilized' countries. Something you need an expert to cure you of.  A large part of this civilized process involves strangers hovering over your vagina in brightly lit, loudly noised public areas, with masks, strange instruments and virtually no space to hear yourself think, let alone feel sexy or intimate with your partner. More like bad porn than a sensual experience.

It's interesting to consider that women have actually been giving birth on their own just fine for millenium with proper nutrition and living conditions.  Fun fact,  the infant mortality rate is higher in hospitals than it is in homebirths.  That's not very sexy.  But more than that, it begs the question, why has birth been turned into something that needs to be treated, observed and invaded, instead of something that a couple can do in their own space together, without the whole world and god watching?

Let's face it ladies, sex is awesome when you're pregnant. Hormones are wild, your body is super sensitive and your partner is jazzed over your boobs.  Plus, you DON'T have to worry about taking your little pill or pulling out yet another condom.  No. You can get down whenever, wherever and revel in the fact that you are a god and goddess who have contracted with another spirit for an unprecedented partnership that will open your heart and unveil things you never dreamed were possible. 

So get your short shorts on, pump up Lady Gaga and shake that thing, cause baby, you were born this way.  Born to be empowered. Born to be feminine.  Born to be attractive all the time, ESPECIALLY when you're in rehearsal for becoming a mother of life.

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