Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 38-Showers, Paint, Coops, Juice and Unicorns

You'll notice that there is no news on Thumbkin because he has been burned and frozen and now is hibernating like a charred Yeti in a deep Himalayan winter.  I, for one, am willing to let that sleeping dog lie for now.

This week has been FILLED with exciting and stimulating things of an astonishing variety.  To date, Joy our midwife came over and painted my belly up with gorgeous lilies and then we took pictures in the neighbors field while is spattered rain on us.

The neighbors were kind enough to honk and wave as Tobias and I frisked around the grasses trying to look warm and festive.  I'd say the results are pretty great.  

Joy painted you as a ginger baby AND as a Lily so we've got another vote cast for what you'll be!  Honestly, I'm a big fan of not knowing if you're a boy or girl because it gives everyone a chance to experience a small fraction of the wonder and mystery of growing humans...

Then there was the baby shower, which was nothing short of epic.  I had no idea that so many ladies could converge in one location with babies on the brain.  The great-great aunties and great grandmothers were all there so it must be said that the Bear is a Powerful Draw indeed! There were 50 people there if there was one and Tobias was very manly and capable throughout the entire thing.  Dear Tobs had been sick all day but rallied and as he said, "manned up"  with aplomb.  Having Uncle Eric and Grandpa Jim there definitely helped.

The loot was nothing short of obscene as you can see in the photos here and well, you're going to love  yellow...I hope.  We got a lot of that since apparently people are reticent to buy babies of unknown gender anything blue or pink.  We'd dress you in all of it of course, but well,  not everyone is as progressive with color.  Needless to say,  we're set.

Not to be outdone by works of giving and showering,  Tobias began the Building Of The Coop for The Girls and is making admirable progress.  It's his first Major Construction and he is very proud of it, as you can see.   He is one of those Hands On learners and after drawing out his plans for the coop, didn't waste a second whipping down to Home Depot to secure plywood and the necessary hardware for his project.  It is one of the qualities I love most about him...he sets his mind to something and then DOES it.

Along with the building projects, we've taken up juicing nearly every day which is a great way to get lots of those vitamins and yummy nutrients without having to turn into a rabbit.  It reminds me of being a kid drinking carrot juice every day when I had cancer, but this is far more gourmet.  Tobias serves it in wine glasses, chilled over ice, so I feel posh instead of ill.  Love that man.

And last but not least,  I've been acupuncting along regularly since returning to the US...and this week, a tiny bit of wisdom dropped in my lap in the parking lot after my snooze in the recliner.  I think it really captures what I want to model to you Bear and well, it's just flippin' magical.

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