Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I'm 1, Walking Independently and Mom Stopped Pumping!

Momentous things tend to happen in threes.  Celebrities are born or die in triads, godheads tend to run in trinities and babies and moms make big transitions in trios.  Also, cake. Danish Layer Cake, to be specific.
Case in point.  Espen is officially out of babyland according to Tobias' boss Heine, who is apparently an expert on both Business Intelligence empire building and accurate nomenclature for aging transitions of children.  Espen is now a child, thanks to turning 1.   

Not only has he graduated infancy, he also decided to make the transition from largely assisted steps to predominantly unassisted toddling on his birthday.  

The Brain of the Bear has a flare for well timed revelations.  For the majority of March 31 he ambled around, sitting on balloons, sloshing about on other babies and cackling without restraint as he walked from chicken coop to flower pot, down the canyon and back again.  You'd think he'd discovered the wheel, cause this kid was rollin'. 

He gets the most blissed out expression on his face as he experiences uninterrupted walking stretches.  It's as though he's realizing the freedom of his feet, that the possibilities of mobility are as big as his wanting. The uncensored joy, free from ego, purely present, is phenomenally inspiring.  It makes me want to learn to walk every day, which I can, if I am willing to let go of expectations of rightness.

I was also experiencing some liberation on his birthday.  I pumped the Milk Bags for the last time with the fancy pants Medela pump that has been a permanent accent in our house for the last year.  It's hard to believe that I now have 4-5 hours back that I can spend playing with Espen or working on other projects.  

Getting back both the time and the "milk energy" as Tobias calls it has resulted in a renewed application of will towards my writing and singing.  Suddenly, all of the perseverance, patience and will to nurture developed over the last year has the opportunity to extend to myself and Tobias and hopefully, the larger world.  I aim to make a real go of using my voice on this planet and to expand into the Largeness of Being.  Producing good writing and free singing is where I'm starting now that time is flowing into my court again.  

Now that everyone is fully afoot and Spring is in the air, the blog posts may become a bit spare but the adventures will continue apace.  Check Facebook for up to date happenings and I will endeavor to keep the truly momentous stories and happenings on this site in perpetua.

P.S. If and when the word "Deutna" (DOOT-nah) becomes a new linguistic meme, Espen is to be credited with its creation.  We believe it means something to the effect of, "Hey! Woah.  That's oooh."

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