After a long and fun day of tooling around Farmers Markets, Ecstatic Dance, and visiting cousins, Espen and I returned home in time to make dinner and head for bed.
In the few moments when I sat on the couch to check my Very Important Text Messages, Espen managed to poop in his little green potty.
Tonite, he was more dramatic with his ritual.
I lay on the couch, listening for the flushing of the big toilet...but instead heard the patter of little feet.
"Look mommy! I pooped!" He rounded the corner with the green insert in hand. Thumped it on the ground ten feet away from me.
Lord knows I wanted to enjoy 4 minutes of uninterrupted peace before starting dinner...but what can you do when your Sweet Little brings you his Great Achievement?
I got up and trotted to the potty to look in and be amazed.
Nothing was in there except the Remains of Achievement.
And to be honest, I wasn't in the mood to pick it up, which thankfully was prevented by Tobias' Timely Return home.
I forgot all about the Green Glory until after dinner when Espen dropped his plate by it on his way to the sink.
Tobias, however, discovered it for the first time.
" poopy POTTY IN HERE...?!"
To his credit, Tobias has a strong tolerance for most bodily secretions, however, he does have his triggers. Toe nails and poopy potties in the dining room are two of them.
Espen looked confused, as if to say, "What, THAT old thing? Oh, it's nothing to get wild about, really."
Tobias was unconvinced. "Espen, take that potty back to the bathroom. Now."
I sought to back him up.
"Wesp, go put your plate in the sink and then take your potty back to the bathroom."
In a gleeful fury, Espen tossed his plate to me and ran to the potty.
I could see the gleam in his eye that boded no good.
"Espen..." was all I could get out before he hurled the Green Unclean against the wall.
He laughed and sped towards the bathroom.
I intercepted him.
"Go get that potty and bring it to the bathroom please."
He glanced at me. I could see the writing on the wall. And yet, like a moth staring at the bug zapper, I stood transfixed. Waiting to see what would happen. As if some other outcome besides more Flying Shit could occur.
Espen walked to the potty, picked it up, looked at me once more, and threw it directly at the piano.
His aim was good.
But so was mine. I swooped up his little hand in mine and marched off to bed.
The sounds of Tobias scrubbing the potty in the bathroom punctuated the beginning of Espen's Reprieve.
Your patience is legendary.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have that growing up and I for sure wouldn't cut my little young'in any slack...
Hell idve slapped the child out of him. But that's probably why I don't have kids....yet~