Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 15, All Quiet On The Western Front

What with the booties and mini overalls, crib liners and tiny hats starting to decorate the Summer House, it's beginning to feel a lot like babies are on the way.

The last two weeks have been remarkably tranquil and I thought I'd just let them pass without comment to see if the restart would have more spectacular events to report.

So far, it's really the Presidential Elections 2012 with Obama vs. Mittens. 

Most of the changing and shifting has to do with internal development these days.  I've been doing qi gong, Dr. Lo style, reading The Nature of Personal reality by Jane Roberts and Seth, and getting into the swing of making healthy meals every day, as opposed to my girl bachelor habits of just grazing on tapas most of the day. 

Also, as music is super important, I've been cranking up Spotify and listening to good old folk from the likes of Gillian Welch and American Big Band Classics.  The new book I am writing is also getting done so what with the music, words, oh, and ballroom dancing, we should be in good shape creatively by the time Bump arrives. 

All of the websites and research says that Bump is now the size of an ordinary breakfast fruit; take your pick between apples and oranges, and should start making its presence known by swimming like a goldfish real soon. 

In the meantime, it's pumpkin pie season, so get ready kid, you're about to have a reason to get those taste buds crankin'.

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