Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fourth Trimesters and The Rise of Mr. Bigs

Oh Espen! You are getting so big! Your personality is coming out more and more every day and man, is it fun to watch.  Just LOOK at you yaawwwning at the camera, staring at the camera, having sleepy face, and funning around naked in the grasses on sheepskin like a little Pan.  

You are generally a happy little dude unless there is something you NEED...FOOD! NAPS! CHANGING!  We've had a lot of fun figuring out how to give you what you're asking for, though if you feel like something traumatizing happened in early infancy it probably revolved around having to wait several minutes for milk while your dad stumbled around the kitchen at 2am. Sorry about that.

You have absolutely LOOOVED standing on your legs since about the second or third week, leading me to nickname you Mr. Big Legs.  This is one of your favorite games and a pretty surefire way to get you happy in the midst of meltdowns.  "Bear Big Legs" is becoming a popular reference around the property and we have documented proof that grandpa is helping you with the process. Grandma too.

And what is this? You're starting to discover how flipping RAD HANDS ARE.  Particularly around your long haired aunties.

I must admit, you grow more complex and engaged every day and I am completely enamored with your consciousness.  Such a little individual comes through with your interactions and it is clear that you are fascinated by the world around you and all its wonders.

A few fun facts about your first three months are:
1. You loved "Jumping Bean" for the first couple of weeks. It would stop you crying in your tracks.
2.  You developed an unstoppable loathing for your carseat. LOATHING. Stupid Car Seat. Hence, you now have your own driving song called "The Bear Boogie" which makes you smile and fall asleep about 90% of the time.
3. You love baths and stomping around the water with me.  You don't mind putting your ears under only get upset when it's time to get out, which has resulted in the awesome appearances of 

4. The "Scoundrel In the Mirror." He always elicits a smile and a look of intense curiosity from you.  
5. You want to SEE the world and not be tucked away in some carrier.  Unless you are sleepy. Then it's fine. But WOE UNTO YE if you try to Put The Bear In A Carrier when he wants to Engage With the World. Moby? Screw you. Fancy Saturday Market Carrier? No thanks.  Ergo Baby?  Maybs. 

6. You TALK!  Since very early, like the first three weeks, you've been staring deeply into our eyes and "Go-ing" and "Ahh Ohhhh-ing!" with great feeling. It's adorable and also clear that you have a lot to tell us! Exciting!

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