Monday, October 7, 2013

The sly little scoundrel and the evolution of the complete human

Well, the last month has been full of growth for both baby and parent, so much so, that getting to a computer to write about it has been an impossibility.  

I was telling Tobias my theory yesterday that becoming a new parent is essentially the equivalent of going through special forces training.  You brave an intense regimen of sleep deprivation, emotional and physical breakdown and reassembly and if you can find a way to psychologically readjust your expectations for what is humanly possible, you'll come out a superhuman.  

That said, Espen is also in the process of achieving remarkable things, such as getting his first two teeth, sitting up unassisted, and moving from an effective army crawl to teetering on the brink of an evolved, big-boy crawl.  He  has also moved into his own room, started making pre-verbal "Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba!" sounds and eating from his own little bowl. He loves hummus and finds pear skin distasteful.

I also, have been personally stretching.  The last month+ has been a whirlwind of soul searching around family of origin topics which, on some level, contributed to a whopping case of allergic reactions such as my body has never seen.  Sneezing! Itching face! Plugged ears! Overall fuzziness!  It wasn't the nifedipine I was taking for breastfeeding, nor was it the chinese herbs I started taking to boost my immune system, because I quit them all to give myself a clean slate to work from and I was STILL yarking and feeling like the walking dead.  This is no good when you have a baby who is ready to take on world domination no later than 6.30am every morning.
By that point, I was crawling up the walls with the dripping down my throat. Then I remembered that I hadn't looked up the metaphysical/energetic root/cause of allergies.  What I found. -Denying your own power...what or who are you allergic to?  It was obvious to me there was/is a tie between the family work I'd been doing and the symptoms my body was producing so I did some close examination around things I needed clarification on and had some very illuminating conversations with my parents.  My symptoms have been less severe since then and I am hopeful that as I continue to speak my truth and stand in my power and heal the wounds from the past, my amazing body will continue to get stronger.

All this to say, we are progressing in leaps and bounds here at the the Eld-Mathis household.  Coming up on the horizon next week, Tobias leaves for a work trip for ONE WHOLE WEEK, which will be the first time he's been away from us that long.  We will see how things go and I am pretty sure The Bear and I will have some fantastic stories to tell him when he returns. Perhaps some new tongue tricks since Espen has started sticking his tongue out at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE as a new was to taste the world and say, "Hello!" (lick).  Hello indeed.


  1. I love this Jaime. I hope you are well soon!

  2. Sending empowering thoughts for truth-speak your way. And give the sly scoundrel a lick from his auntie ;-) Hope you survived Tobi's week away without too much trauma.
