Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Espen's First Sleepover-Relearning to relax...

The first night away from Wesp has occurred.  It has been eight months to the day since he was born and every night since then, he has slept under our watch.

Last night, November 30, 2013, was Tobias' and my first anniversary, and we decided to go big.  There was milk in the fridge, grandparents and aunts and uncles ready to keep the night watch, and a city waiting for us to paint it red in celebration of surviving the honeymoon period with our respect and love for each other intact.

What if, we thought, we stayed out past midnight and SLEPT IN UNTIL WE WOKE UP as our grand broohaha?!  Alright.  Now keep in mind, grandma and grandpa's house is about fifty paces away from our house, and we had decided that we had best return to our cozy bed instead of staying in a posh downtown hotel.  It's pretty far away to be from The Bear and our wanderlust is still on the rebound.

We informed Espen of the plan and he responded with his usual enthusiasm.  Kicking legs and waving arms with glee on his way to the bathtub, he LOVES grandma and grandpa's house.  Tobias and I were pleased for him.  I've read all these articles about how babies are supposed to go through a regression around this time; where they only want mom or dad and get very shy, but this memo seems not to have found The Bear's desk.  He howls and clicks in delight when he meets new people and rarely looks anxiously for us in a crowd.  Talk about well-adjusted.

People kept making comments like, "See how long it takes before you're checking in on him and talking about him...".  But here's the thing.  We wouldn't be going out for the night if we didn't feel absolutely confident and certain that he would be well taken care of and in the best of hands outside of our own.

This is one thing that I feel we are good at; really feeling solid about our choices regarding the health and well-being of our son.  This is turn, allows US to truly relax and focus on ourselves when we take the time to be Adults Doing Grown Up and Important Things For Themselves.

The evening was a huge success for us and we slept in until 10.30 the next morning. Of course, the first thing we both said was, "Great! Let's go see The Bear!"...who just happened to be napping...and is still napping 2.5 hours later.  It's almost as if he's saying, "Hey mom and dad, everyone wins when we take care of ourselves and remember to have fun!"

Thanks babyface.  Can't wait to see you when you wake up.

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