Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week 22- Thanksgiving and the Great Migration

With murmlings and burblings in the belly, Bump, Tobias and I boarded many planes to bring us to Americas (as Tobs likes to call it) in time for Turkey Day.    We landed late the 21st and were met by Jackie, Mom and Dad, and Naomi, who Bump will no doubt be thrilled by.

I can definitely tell that the elevation changes affect what's going on inside.  Bump was rolling and shifting about and I'm pretty sure there are rad-er things to do besides fly while with least in the later stages.

To calm everyone down, we ate heaps at Thanksgiving and showed off Tobias and Bump to all the family members in attendance.  Afterwards we went for a hike at Multnomah Falls and as you can see, I still fit in my jacket...though I have a feeling that zipper won't take too much more expansion.

There were several other preggers ladies on the trail so Bump and I kicked into low gear and made it all the way to the top and then across to Wakeenah Falls, about 5 or 6 miles total with some healthy elevation gain. We are mountain goats and very fierce as you can see.

In a week, we'll be heading off to the Yucatan jungles for sunny and exciting adventures so we'll see how Bump enjoys a more tropical climate.  In the meantime,  we are rapidly approaching viability week, number 24, which means, that Bump's chances for growing up to be a real human being increase exponentially.

Keep growing Bump!

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